Ladies, let's have a sit down - I'd like to chat about . . . .
Lucky me heads to the Big City next week to get an eye-(and camera)-ful of Orla's Fall 2008 line - very exciting to see all the lovely, precious things in person. (It may slow down your texting - but let's all keep our fingers crossed the samples will still be there when we get to town!).
I know you love the laminated bags, but what else would you like to be able to purchase from us? Would you like mugs or pillows? Are there any pieces from her lines (aside from the bags) that you've purchased elseware and been happy enough with that you'd like to buy the same item again in the next season? What luck have you had with fit & sizing?
Oh yes, and sizes - are we carrying the sizes you'd like to see?
I was thinking maybe her silk scarves and sunhats - do you like them? Would you buy them? Full-price or
just after they went on sale?
As you can see I am full of questions - and I do want to hear from you! So please do take a minute and let us know what thoughts you have on this most glamorous of topics!
To Post a reply - click the title - Share your thoughts - and a comment link will open at the end of the post.
Orla-ly yours,